FF Virtual Arena: Crowdfunding and Where To Do It!
RESPONSE Manager partner Vytautas Šenavičius, the Board of Lithuanian P2P Lending and Crowdfunding Association’s discussed where crowdfunding is today. Not...
Real Estate
Court has confirmed that the prohibition to assign a claim secured by a third-party mortgage without the consent of...
Our team successfully represented the client in a dispute against the client’s debtor who disagreed with the assignment of the...
Finance investment
Crowdfunding platforms
The number of participants in Lithuania's crowdfunding market is growing at an impressive pace! Currently 18 operators are listed in...
Dispute resolution
RESPONSE team successfully represented the client in a dispute over a bailiff’s actions
The bailiff initiated alternative recovery from the property mortgaged to the client. The debtor, relying on the actions of the...
Dispute resolution
Our team successfully represented an insurance company in a lawsuit over a subrogation claim against the carrier that...
Our team successfully represented an insurance company in a lawsuit over a subrogation claim against the carrier that lost cargo....
Our team successfully represented the client in the bankruptcy case of a debtor (natural person)
In one case the court upheld a client's claim and found that the debtor had entered into sham transactions before...
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Techninė saugykla arba prieiga, kuri naudojama tik statistiniais tikslais.Techninė saugykla arba prieiga, kuri naudojama tik anoniminiais statistikos tikslais. Be teismo šaukimo, jūsų interneto paslaugų teikėjo savanoriško įsipareigojimo ar papildomų įrašų iš trečiosios šalies, vien šiuo tikslu saugoma ar gauta informacija paprastai negali būti naudojama jūsų tapatybei nustatyti.
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